Friday, November 14, 2008

I love Big Bird

This is one of my favorite toys. He goes just about everywhere with me and sometimes I'll even use him as a pillow. Mostly, I toss him around and bite him but he doesn't seem to mind.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pinto Pal - Sissy

Meet my new Pinto Pal Sissy!

"My name is Sissy. I am what some might call a "senior citizen". Mommy says I am 15 years old. I look pretty good for my age, don't I? And I don't even work out.

I live in San Diego, CA with my mommy and lots of "brothers and sisters"...dogs, cats, fish, and a rabbit.

Nice to meet you!"

It's nice to meet you too Sissy, thanks for being one of my Pinto Pals.

If you'd like to be a Pinto Pal just send me a photo of yourself in jpeg format and tell me a little about yourself. My email is

Thursday, November 6, 2008

We all knew a big change was coming

With all of the excitement of the big election over now comes the important change.

Which dog will live in the White House? If you watched president-elect Barack Obama's acceptance speech on Tuesday night like my family did, you know they are getting a new puppy.

This is a huge decision and one that I know we will all be on the edge of our seats waiting for the big announcement.

The Today Show on NBC has created a poll, I went over there to vote but HEY - why is there no choice for Chihuahua? I mean why does NBC think the first family wouldn't want an adorable, energetic, smart, cuddly, and all around wonderful Chihuahua? What exactly do they have against Chihuahuas? We are excellent watch dogs and would be great at helping out those secret service agents.

Just take a look:

Hey, I wonder where I can get one of those "sheriff" vests?